NOVA Hope For Haiti Celebrates 16 Years of Impact


Casino Night 2018

Despite a crazy  Nor ‘easter, NOVA’s Eighth Annual Casino night was a huge success!  Snow, wind and rain did not keep our generous guests from having a fun-filled night of gaming, great food, valuable prizes and lots of laughter and friendship.  We raised over $55,000 which is approximately one-third of our annual budget. We are very thankful for [Read More…]

March 22, 2018

NOVA’s 8th Annual Casino Night – Rain or shine we are on!

Hello NOVA supporters coming to Casino Night. We are not letting a little Nor’easter stop the fun! See you all tonight! NOVA Hope for Haiti’s 8th Annual Casino Night. Friday, March 2, 2018 7:00pm – 11:30pm Park Ridge Marriott 300 Brae Blvd, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 SUPPORT US Casino Night is NOVA’s biggest fundraiser [Read More…]

January 30, 2018

January 2018 Mission

At least once a year NOVA sends a non-medical team down to the clinic for a week to conduct staff-development, non-medical building maintenance and spend time with community leaders to discuss the work that NOVA does and new ways we can help the community.  Five NOVA Board members traveled to the clinic during this week, [Read More…]

January 29, 2018

October 2017 Mission

NOVA sent a volunteer medical team to Haiti in October that consisted of three pediatricians, three adult providers, four RNs, one EMT and a nursing student.  Three translators and non-medical support completed the team.  NOVA was excited to welcome five new volunteers on this mission which is very important as we strive to increase our [Read More…]

January 29, 2018

2017 Annual Appeal – Matching Program in Place

NOVA is committed to providing medical care, health education and access to essential medications to some of the poorest people in the western hemisphere. Approximately 89% of our patients pay a nominal co-pay of less than 50 cents U.S. to see our doctors. The remaining eleven percent of our patient population has difficulty even making [Read More…]

November 24, 2017

NOVA’s 23rd Volunteer Medical Mission: April 22-29, 2018

NOVA Hope for Haiti is holding its 23rd volunteer medical mission to Haiti April 22-29, 2018.  We are seeking volunteers to join us for this 8 day (Sunday – Sunday) mission to work with our staff in Haiti to provide medical care, education and ongoing education to the staff and the population at large.  We [Read More…]

November 7, 2017