NOVA Hope For Haiti Celebrates 16 Years of Impact


Meet Jethro

Dental care is almost non-existent in our community and part of our mission is to bring dentists on at least one mission per year. Six year-old Jethro came to the clinic and was seen by our volunteer dentist, Dr. Wendi Warlaw. A very bad infection in his teeth and jaw was affecting his ability to [Read More…]

June 5, 2018

Meet Baby Pierre Jovens

Seven-month old Baby Pierre came to our clinic the first day of our mission and was seem by Dr. Peter Lee, an emergency room pediatrician from Valley Hospital.  Baby Pierre’s young mother was brought him to NOVA’s clinic specifically to see the pediatrician.  Baby Pierre left leg was ‘bowed’ and his leg would not develop [Read More…]

June 5, 2018

DOMUS – Garage Sale for NOVA – Saturday, June 2, 2018

Once again DOMUS Unaffected Living is generously supporting NOVA Hope for Haiti’s mission to provide year-round medical care in Cavaillon, Haiti by donating 100% of the proceeds from their tables at the NYC 44th Street block association garage sale. How can you help? DONATE ITEMS FOR THE SALE Take this opportunity to do your spring cleaning and simplify your [Read More…]

May 23, 2018

Improvements to NOVA’s facilities

NOVA is continuing to improve and update our two-story medical clinic and residence as well as the 12 acres of property surrounding the building. Since opening our clinic and residence in 2014, our electrical needs have increased.  Medical equipment like our autoclave, as well as additional appliances needed to host large visiting mission teams (which [Read More…]

May 21, 2018

NOVA Volunteer Mission #24

NOVA sent its 24th volunteer medical mission to Haiti from April 22nd though April 29th.  This mission included one pediatrician, one adult provider and one dentist enabling us to provide a variety of special care and our patients truly benefited from their services.  In addition to the providers, we also had two nurses, three Board [Read More…]

May 18, 2018

NOVA Staff volunteers at the Les Cayes 1/2 Marathon

On Sunday, April 15, 2018 NOVA Hope for Haiti’s staff volunteered to staff First Aid stations at the first Les Cayes 1/2 Marathon. NOVA provided the first aid medical supplies for the marathon. We are proud of our staff who volunteered to be on hand to provide medical care if needed and NOVA is happy [Read More…]

April 20, 2018