How is NOVA supported?

Since its establishment as a non-profit corporation in 2004, NOVA Hope for Haïti, Inc. has been funded entirely from the private sector as a recipient of direct gifting. NOVA has a proud 100% board member contribution and US support base program that is all volunteer.

In addition, four significant donations have been made through the proceeds of a Citizen Recognition Award, a personal tithing commitment, a recurring private family foundation gift and one family bequest.

NOVA hosts one major Fund-Raising event per year and additional revenues are obtained through diverse smaller events both in New Jersey and New York City.

Now that our permanent clinic is complete and operating five days per week, we are actively seeking Public and Private Grants for our clinic/residence maintenance and the operation of our permanent clinic, and to support our staff in Haiti which provides medical care year round.

We subscribe to the on-line database that provides detailed information about all grant makers in the United States, assembled and updated by The Foundation Center, Inc., New York City.  Our grant seekers use this source of reference to identify appropriate potential funders and enhance their fundraising knowledge by enrolling in the Center’s varied seminars. However, in the United States it is private sector funding that remains the mainstay of all non-profit income and, in fact, contributes statistically to greater than 80% of revenues for organizations such as NOVA Hope for Haïti.