Casino Night 2016 was a huge success!

Thank you to everyone who came out to make our Casino Night 2016 a huge success!  Over 350 people filled the room to enjoy a fun-filled night of friendship, casino gaming and great hospitality at the Park Ridge Marriott.  The outpouring of support keeps NOVA Hope for Haiti’s mission going.

Our annual budget of $124,000 sustains our full-time staff of 19 operating two clinic locations including medications, medical supplies and maintenance. We are proud to say that we raised just over half our annual budget at Casino Night!

So many of our guests went home winners  with over 100 tricky tray baskets, 44 Silent Auction prizes and tournament baskets for our serious gamers…our 50/50 raffle was a record $5,175!  Thank you to everyone for their generous support – our sponsors, local businesses, friends and family who donated items to make this possible.

2015 was a banner year for NOVA – our patient visits increased so much that we hired a second doctor and clinic administrator to ensure what we can continue to provide the medical care so desperately needed in Cavaillon Haiti.  We could never do this without the continued support of everyone who helped make Casino Night so successful!

Here’s a look at some of the fun we had…