Casino Night a huge success! And still giving…

What a night!  Thank you to everyone who joined us at our 5th Annual NOVA Hope for Haiti Casino Night.

The room was filled with over 300 guests who enjoyed great food, drinks and exciting casino games.  With over 100 gift baskets, 40 valuable silent auction items, a 50/50 prize of $4,850, nine tournament and grand prizes, half of our guests went home very happy!

We are so grateful for the generosity of our sponsors, donors and guests who together helped us raise approximately $61,000 towards our goal of $70,000 which is our annual operating budget for our clinic in Haiti.  This number includes our staff of 14, medications, office supplies and maintenance.

Our clinic physician, Dr. Nixon Altenord joined us from Haiti to be part of the festivities! It was wonderful having so many of NOVA’s supporters in the same room – our missionaries, medical volunteers, sponsors, friends and family.  Together everyone is making it possible for Dr. Nixon and his staff to provide care to over 6,000 patients per year – for only $11.88 per visit which includes medications.

Our sincere gratitude to everyone who makes NOVA’s work possible!


Since finding out that Casino Night was only $9,000 short of reaching our goal of $70,000 one of NOVA’s supporters, Mr. Kevin Carroll of Manhattan, who was in attendance at our Casino Night, offered a $10,000 matching gift to help NOVA surpass our goal.

For every dollar you donate to NOVA, he will match it up to $10,000 in order to help NOVA keep their clinic operating for the next year.  Any additional funds will be used towards the purchase a much needed jeep and motorbike to bring staff and supplies to remote mountain communities that are too far to reach our clinic.  This would also allow us to more effectively vaccinate children in these remote communities.

Let’s help Kevin make a difference in the lives of an entire community. Together you can help NOVA reach and surpass their goal. You can donate right now online at: or mail a check made out to NOVA Hope for Haiti to 176 Palisades Ave., Emerson, NJ 07630.

NOVA Hope for Haiti is extremely grateful for Kevin’s generosity and support.  It is individuals like him who allow NOVA to continue to grow and extend our reach to the people in Haiti who so desperately need our help.

Here are photos from our Casino Night: