Casino Night a huge success!

NOVA Hope for Haiti’s annual fundraiser was a huge success this year!  We again hosted a fun-filled casino night attended by more than 275 guests.  Friends and supporters gathered to enjoy a nice dinner, some drinks, gaming tables, tournaments, raffles and tricky tray baskets.   The outpouring of support  by those in attendance combined with the generosity of donors who contributed towards our matching campaign  raised enough money for NOVA to begin construction on the pharmacy wing and laboratory of our new Pediatric Clinic.  NOVA’s new permanent home will be complete this year thanks to your generosity.

The money raised at our fundraiser is used not only to fund our current building project, but to cover the cost of our staff in  Bioleau, Haiti who provides medical care all year, the medicine for our clinic and supplies for our volunteer medical missions.

Thank you to everyone who makes NOVA’s work possible!

We are not only grateful for your generosity, but we are very happy that everyone had a great time too!

Here are some photos from the Casino Night.