2018 Annual Appeal – $15,000 match in place!

Dear Friend of NOVA Hope for Haiti,
As we enter the holiday season, we have so much to be grateful for in 2018.
Your support of NOVA allows us to continue to provide vitally needed primary healthcare at our clinics in Cavaillon and Boileau, Haiti. Consistent quality care means when a child is infected with strep throat, he or she is treated before it becomes potentially life-threatening. When an elderly person with high blood pressure has access to medication regularly, the threat of heart disease or stroke is greatly reduced. When a newborn needs protection from childhood diseases, NOVA provides the immunizations. NOVA delivers this level of care throughout the year.

In 2018, we sent two major medical missions to Haiti to work with our staff, conduct mobile missions and supplement the care we provide. We also conducted a non-medical mission to keep NOVA’s operations
running efficiently. In addition, two graduate students from Emory University spent eight weeks at our clinic
to conduct their thesis studies in Public Health Administration. They organized classes in hygiene and
nutrition for the community, as well as worked with our staff to keep the education going after they left.
I hope you had a chance to read our last newsletter detailing what NOVA has been up to in 2018. If you
missed it you can read it here.

Also, did you see NOVA’s latest video on our homepage? NOVA volunteer Jason Syptak wrote, filmed and
edited an amazing video showing the impact NOVA has on our community in Haiti. This three-minute video
captures the essence of what NOVA’s facility in Cavaillon provides and how people in the community feel
about our presence there. I’m very grateful for Jason’s work. It is truly beautiful. Take a few minutes to watch
the video when you have a chance here.

NOVA Going Forward

We need to keep the great work NOVA’s clinic provides going and look at ways NOVA can grow. The
leadership of NOVA is currently working to expand the dental care we offer. We hope to establish a regular
annual dental mission and we will invest in the dental equipment needed to make this happen.
We are also actively seeking to facilitate surgical missions to provide outpatient surgeries not available to
people in need in our community.

Our volunteer residence in Haiti is used both by NOVA volunteers and by other visiting missionary groups.
However, when we send our large missions, we regularly need overflow housing. We are beginning to assess the
viability of expanding our facilities to host dental and surgical missions and have more room for volunteers.

NOVA is going strong.

This makes me extremely grateful for what we are all able to accomplish together. I am also grateful for all of you who keep NOVA going. Your financial support is what makes all of this possible. You are truly making a profound difference in the lives of the people we serve.

Even more good news!!!

Because of the generosity of some of the members of NOVA’s board of directors, we currently have a $15,000 match in place.  That means that every dollar you donate will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $15,000!  If we maximize this match we will have raised almost 20% of our annual budget.  Please help us take advantage of this generous offer.

Please consider keeping NOVA in mind during your Holiday gifting.  You can make your gift to keep NOVA going here.

I wish you, your family and friends a wonderful holiday season.
Thank you for your support,

– Joe

Joseph Nuzzi
NOVA Hope for Haiti