January 2018 Mission

At least once a year NOVA sends a non-medical team down to the clinic for a week to conduct staff-development, non-medical building maintenance and spend time with community leaders to discuss the work that NOVA does and new ways we can help the community.  Five NOVA Board members traveled to the clinic during this week, as well as a graduate student studying Public Health Administration who is developing a summer program for the community’s children.

These non-medical missions are vital to the organization as they provide NOVA the opportunity to assess the operation of the clinic and allows the Board members to see first-hand how our donors’ funds are being used.

During the week time the team met with our staff to work through staff administrative issues, conducted inventories of the pharmacy and residence, made repairs to the clinic building and began construction on a garage that will house the SUV NOVA purchased in December for our missionaries to use during mobile missions and small team transport.

Below are some photos from the week: