NOVA’s 22nd Medical Mission to Haiti: October 22-29, 2017

mission22bNOVA Hope for Haiti is sending a volunteer medical mission to Cavaillon, Haiti October 22-29, 2017.  The team consists of six physicians, as well as nurses, translators and non-medical volunteers.  The team leader is Mary Silverberg.

During this week, our team will:

•Provide medical care to  patients alongside our staff.

•Provide training and education to NOVA’s staff who work in Haiti year round.

•Provide nutrition and hygiene education to the general population.

•Conduct two mobile missions to bring medical care to communities too far away to travel to our clinic.

NOVA’s volunteers not only sacrifice a week away from work, family and friends, but they also either donate or personally fundraise to cover  the $1000 cost of their trip.  NOVA is very grateful to our family of dedicated volunteers who continue to bring medical care to people who have no other access.

If you are interested in finding out more about volunteering at NOVA Hope for Haiti, please email us at

