NOVA’s 19th Medical Mission and Inauguration

In April, a team comprised of two adult doctors, three pediatricians, two nurses, one EMT, seven Creole translators, one team leader, one facility manager, one photographer, and two non-medical support volunteers went on NOVA’s 19th Medical Mission. It was a landmark mission.  We stayed at NOVA’s brand new volunteer residence for the first time. For the first time in 13 years, our team did not have to travel an hour each way in our yellow school bus to and from a hotel. This saved us valuable volunteer time and more it allowed us to keep the clinic open for an extra hour per day and treat more patients.


In addition, it allowed NOVA’s volunteers to spend more time with the people in the community we serve. NOVA’s facility is intended to be a community center in addition to a medical facility. We held three movie nights for the local children, complete with popcorn. Each night, over 60 neighborhood children, most of whom live without electricity or running water at home, came to watch the movie.




On the last day of the mission, NOVA’s clinic was privileged to receive a visit from the Haiti’s first Cardinal, Chibly Langlois.  Our mission team was joined by additional longtime NOVA volunteers to mark this special occasion, including Father Bob Stagg from Church of the Presentation (where NOVA’s mission was founded in 2002) , to mark this special occasion.

Dignitaries and invited guests from as far away as Port-au-Prince came out to participate in the inauguration and blessing of our clinic.  We enjoyed the beautiful sounds of an acapella choir and a traditional Haitian meal with over 80 guests.

Here are some photos from the mission: