DOMUS June events raise over $10,000 for NOVA!

Photo Jun 17, 8 32 35 PMNOVA extends a heartfelt thank-you to Luisa and Nicki from DOMUS for generously hosting not one, but two successful fundraisers for NOVA in just two weeks! Together the events brought in more than $10,000 – enough to cover the salaries of our Doctor and Head nurse for five months! We are truly grateful for the continued support and generosity of these two wonderful women and friends of NOVA.

On Saturday, June 6, DOMUS participated in the annual 44th Street Block Association Garage sale and donated 100% of the proceeds from everything sold that day. Over $5,000 was raised during the course of the day, from sales of Arts and Crafts items and donations. NOVA volunteers partnered with Luisa and Nicki for the day and a great time was had by all.

Less than two weeks later, on Wednesday, June 17th, DOMUS arranged for local artists to donate some original artwork to NOVA and hosted an art sale and exhibit which included a ‘meet and greet’ with all the artists who contributed their work. It was a great opportunity to introduce NOVA to the local art community and DOMUS customers as well as learn about the artists and their works.

NOVA would like to recognize and thank the following artists who donated their talents that night:

Gary Dipasquale (
Stacey Leece Vukelj (
Jonathan Nosan (
Please check out their websites and support these talented artists!