NOVA’s 18th Medical Mission held in our new building

18th mission team

NOVA’s 18th Medical Mission successfully ran NOVA’s first medical mission from our new clinic in Cavaillon, Haiti.

The team was composed of over 20 medical professionals, translators, and assistants.  The team worked with NOVA’s medical staff in Haiti to see hundreds of patients over the course of the eight day mission.  For the first time in NOVA’s 12 year history, NOVA’s volunteers had genuine examining rooms at their disposal instead of walls separated sheets to see patients.  Each examining room has a sink with running water for greater hygiene.  The building has electricity allowing for lights and electric medical equipment to be used.  There is a staff bathroom as well as a patient bathroom in the clinic for the first time.  The new building provided a quantum leap in increasing the quality of care our volunteers and staff provide as well as making life a little easier on everyone.

With the new building NOVA is now hoping to be able to host smaller, more frequent missions and more diversified missions so that we can increase the care NOVA can provide including: dental missions, eye doctors, and even surgical teams.  We will also be developing training classes on hygiene, nutrition and general well-care to make the lifestyles of Cavaillon citizens healthier

NOVA’s 18th Medical team had a special mission in addition to the medical work each team does – they had to work in a new environment and ensure that our building was functional.  It was a very intense demanding  week and our team did a great job to accomplish it!